Multicultural Development Center of Iowa

Inclusive economic development is about removing barriers, improving process, and continued focus on an equitable outcome. When inclusive processes and policies focus on the equitable distribution of resources and are purpose-built and place-based, the outcomes from economic growth can be greater for businesses, communities, and workers, including those in historically underinvested groups. MDC Iowa's BIPOC Business Accelerator and Incubator Program, INCUBATE, provides training, mentorship, business coaching, and access to resources including debt financing and technical assistance grants. As an affiliate of Iowa Community Capital and Iowa Microloan, MDC Iowa assists entrepreneurs in the small-dollar and microloan application process with dedicated business coaches providing support on a monthly basis after a loan decision has been made.
Tracy Jon Sargent
(319) 333-0600
136 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA 52240